Preferred Jewelers offers a comprehensive Search Engine marketing solution for your business for a more visible presence and profitable future. Your Preferred Profile Page directly links into this service. It is more than just another webpage for your retail store. By using specific tags and key phrases we are able to drive traffic directly to your site when consumers are looking for jewelers in your area.
Below is an example of what one of our profile pages look like. Understanding how they work and why, will give you a better idea of it's importance.
One of the great features of being a Preferred Retailer is that you are part of a large network of independent retailers which really boosts your online presence as opposed to being on your own.
When you join Preferred and register your company, you will submit your chosen Keywords / Phrases. Our team will immediately begin to create your online presence with Preferred nationwide. We go to your website and choose the pertinent pictures and information to best represent your company.
Please note: After submitting your chosen key phrases please allow from 60 to 90 days for them to be in full effect. However, you are immediately being optomized through the Preferred key phrases already in place. This is why it is important for you to take the time initially to submit YOUR personal key phrases that will distinquish you from the others and boost your presence even more.
The words that you see bolded and capitalized are essentially coded words that are submitted to Google and other search engines to show and highlight specific content on your page. Having the tags on your profile page allows search engines to index content and increase the ranking of your page in search results. All your images and company logo are hyperlinked to send visitors directly to your website. In this way, we are able to increase your online presence, traffic and your digital footprint.